Unikati by Tanja Kapkejk :) / Unique jewelry by Tanja Cupcake :)
Surfujem ja tako po netu, sufrujem, sufrujem, i naidjem na jedan oglas u kome se nude neke jako zanimljive stvarcice. Torbe, mindjuse, rajfovi, cak i cipele. Sve vrlo neobicno, efektno, odusevim se.. Pitam devojku da li su to njeni radovi, kaze, jesu :))) Pogledajte:
As I do lots of sufring these days, I happened to find this ad about some very interesting pieces. Bags, earings, hair accessories, even shoes. All very cute, effective, interesting, I loved it. So I had to ask the girl who gave the ad if she made them, and she said she did :D Take a look:

Znaci zenska pravi fenomenalne, feeenooomenalne stvarcice, iako nisam naklonjena unikatima, otkinula sam, pogotovu na mindjuse ^^ Cipelice je sama oslikala, broj su 39 i na prodaju su, kao i vecina ostalih artikala ovde navedenih. Mozete je naci na ovoj adresi :)
Adorable, really adorable lil' things, I love them, even if I don't personaly dig "unique" too much, I went crazy about those "cake" earings :D She designed the shoes by herself, they are size 39 (europe) and on sale, as most of other things she made. You can find her on this facebook adress :)
As I do lots of sufring these days, I happened to find this ad about some very interesting pieces. Bags, earings, hair accessories, even shoes. All very cute, effective, interesting, I loved it. So I had to ask the girl who gave the ad if she made them, and she said she did :D Take a look:

Znaci zenska pravi fenomenalne, feeenooomenalne stvarcice, iako nisam naklonjena unikatima, otkinula sam, pogotovu na mindjuse ^^ Cipelice je sama oslikala, broj su 39 i na prodaju su, kao i vecina ostalih artikala ovde navedenih. Mozete je naci na ovoj adresi :)
Adorable, really adorable lil' things, I love them, even if I don't personaly dig "unique" too much, I went crazy about those "cake" earings :D She designed the shoes by herself, they are size 39 (europe) and on sale, as most of other things she made. You can find her on this facebook adress :)
cipelice prekrasne....
ReplyDeleteaham, ona mi je supish. neko vreme se vec razmishljam o krofna prstenu. potpuno mi je van pameti, a nekako ga moram imati :)
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