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Today I want to talk to you about one of my biggest passions: dancing. I've been dancing latin and ballroom dances for years as a kid. I started when I was 11 years old and unfortunately I didn't have a dancing partner so I couldn't compete. I had a small break when I started going to high school, but I soon found a studio in the centre of Belgrade where I attended 'modern dance' - I'm still not sure what exactly was that. Soon as there wasn't too many interested girls for that, I switched to belly dance in the same studio. But belly dance was never my thing. I also hated the way belly dancers started walking after a while of trainings - with their hips forward and a wavy sensation. Don't get me wrong - it looks good on some girls, just not on me.

Then I signed my faculty and that's where I stopped dancing for three years so I could keep up with my exams. Somewhere in the third year of my faculty I went a bit ''off the track'' - I went out of a long relationship and I started having ''a time of my life'', as it usually happens after a long relationship. Somewhere in that path of self discovery I met a guy in a club (in another country actually) that was dancing like a dream. Turns out that guy is from Belgrade and that hip hop dance club he attended was still up and running.

  I went to that dance club, I saw the first class, I fell in love with it and I believe I've been training Hip hop dance in Elite Society for around two and a half years now. There has been some ups and downs but I never considered leaving that club. And Hip hop as a dance makes me really really happy. It has 5 styles and everyone can find something they love the most in it. I personally love Vogue the most (style, not magazine - google it if you like). The awesomest part is that you can dance outside the dance studio - you can go out in a club and dance it out anytime you like. And I really enjoy dancing and grabbing the spotlight on a night out.

I also trained Reggaeton and Dancehall for a while. I quit Reggaeton when I figured out I already learned pretty much everything, but it did help me work on my attitude (and my ass) in every way possible, while I would like to continue Dancehall somewhere down the road. Dancehall is a beautiful dance and actually a difficult one. Right now I just don't have time for more trainings.

Unfortunately, as dance is not something I can really profit from a lot unless I open my own dance studio, I do not get a lot of support from my parents. My mom is against it, my dad is not really interested in what I do. I like to preform more than to teach and I've been preforming as much as I could - I did projects, tv shows, videos... It was fun and I earned some money, but that's pretty much like blogging - it gives you satisfaction but it's not nearly enough to make a living. But I'm not willing to give it up on dancing. Because that's something I really love to do. And I'll keep doing it as long as I can. :)

I am wearing:
Hat: NewYorker
Coat: Elite Fashion   Sweatshirt: Oasap
Jeans: Oasap 
Bag: Nike   Sneakers: Reebok

What do you think about my outfit dolls? Does any of you dance, what do you dance, how do you feel about sports for fun etc.  I would also love to hear your thoughts on your passions.

Lots of love,

Kreirane Reebok unikatne patike

Ovogodišnja 36. beogradska “Nedelja mode” obeležena je posebnom
akcijom u Belexpo centru. Poznati beogradski grafički, konceptualni i grafiti umetnici, uživo su 
pred publikom oslikavali Reebok Classic Leather patike. Svoj lični pečat na patikama ostavili su i 
dizajner Slavimir Stojanović, umetnica Biljana Cincarević, muralista Andrej Zikić – Artez, Reebok Classic ambasador Dj Prema i brojni drugi grafiti umetnici. 

Svi oslikani modeli patika od nedelje 26.oktobra do 9. novembra biće izloženi u shopping centru 
Ušće, ispred Reebok mono brand radnje. Unikatne patike moći će da se kupe kroz posebnu 
aukciju, a sva sredstva idu u dobrotvorne svrhe za „Fashion Aid“, humanitarni projekat koji vodi 
Prve večeri „Perwoll Fashion Week“-a, nastupio je dizajner Slavimir Stojanović, a publika je uživo 
posmatrala kako na patikama ostavlja svoje „statement“-e stvarajući tako unikatne modele. 
- To su reči kojih se ja držim u svom kreativnom radu, a u kojima je promenjeno jedno slovo 
usled čega reč dobija novu vrednost. Vrlo je teško oslikavati obuću, pogotvo patike koje su pune 
šavova, ali nije mi prvi put. Kad god bi neke patike bile spremne za „penziju“ ja sam ih oslikavao. 
Uglavnom sam na njima crtao logotipe mojih omiljenih bendova poput „Public enemy“. Još uvek 
čuvam nekoliko patika iz tog perioda - priseća se Stojanović koji je za oslikavanje patika koristio 
akrilne flomastere koji su postojani i otporni na vodu. 

Kao ljubitelj njujorške škole grafita Dj Prema je svojevremeno svoj grafit pečat ostavljao na 
zidovima Novog Beograda, a ovom prilikom se oprobao u oslikavanju obuće. -Poenta je oslikati 
patike tako da budu ne samo unikat već i nosive. Mislim da je to najlepše postigao Artez, a 
najorginalnije Slavimir Stojanović koji je izvukao slova preko cele patike i tako uspeo da ih potpuno 
promeni i učini orginalnim, a nosivim – objašnjava Dj Prema. 

Među unikatnim patikama samo jedan model ima dve potpuno različite patike i što se tiče dizajna i 
što se tiče boja. Njih je oslikala Biljana Cincarević. -Napravila sam dve različite patike, jer verujem 
da postoje ljudi koji su hrabri kao ja da nose različite patike. Imam već jedan takav par, ali cipela, 
koje sam sama oslikala. Ovom prilikom sam koristila malo boja. Volim kad je obuća jednostavna 
svedena, a opet drugačija. Na jednoj patici će dominirati plava i nebo, a na drugoj žuto-crvena i 
vatra – objasnila je Cincarević.

Until my next post,