Showing posts with label lol cats. Show all posts

Lol cats Monday: Cats, Fashion and Cosmetics

Da niste mozda kojim slucajem pomislili da se samo mi bavimo modom i kozmetikom? U slucaju da jeste, pogresili ste ;)) Pogledajmo sta mace imaju da kazu na tu temu:

In case you thought that only we are conserned with fashion and cosmetics, you were wrong ;) Let's see what lol cats say about that:

Ja se najvise pronalazim u prvoj slici xD A vi? Ne zaboravite da, ako ste propustili neki ponedeljak, uvek mozete pogledati retrospektivu :) Uzivajte u predstojecoj nedelji :))

I feel like the kitten in the first pic xD And how about you? |Don't forget, in case you've missed a Monday or too on my blog, you can always see lol cats retrospectively :) Enjoy the week ahead of us :))



Lol cats Monday: Technical cats

Uz ovo preterano prisustvo racunara, telefona, raznih I-podpedpad-ova, lap-top-ova i svega ostalog u nasim zivotima, realno je da i macke krenu da se zanimaju za iste stvari. Da vidimo kako to izgleda :D

With too much computes, phones, different I-padpedpods, lap-tops and everything else in our lives, it's naturall that cats are also getting interested and involved in those stuff. Let's see how that looks :D

Lol cats Monday: Feeling hungry

Da li vi znate koliko lol mace vole chizburgere? Ne znate? E pa sad znate :D Lol mace vise od svega vole chizburgere, ali nisu previse probirljive u vezi ostale hrane. Jedu sve i uprkos tome su uvek, ali bas uvek gladne. Zivotna zelja im je dozivotna 'noms' (u smislu 'njam') zaliha ;) Uzivajte u fotkama za ovu nedelju! :)

Did you know how lol cats love cheeseburgers? You didn't know? Well now you know :D Lol cats love cheeseburgers more than anything, but they are not too picky about other food. They eat everything and even then they always, but just always hungry. All they wanna do is 'nom nom nom..." Enjoy the photos of this week! :)


Valantine's day: Say it with Lol Cats :)

Zelim na poseban i sebi svojstven nacin da vam pozelim srecan Dan zaljubljenih - slicicama zaljubljenih i preslatkih maca :) Imam tacno 10 minuta da vam iskuckam ovaj post, jer planiram da svaki minut ovog posebnog dana provedem s onim koga volim. Vama zelim isto to i vise od toga, ako je ikako moguce, da uzivate sa voljenom osobom danas u razmenjivanju pokloncica, cokoladica, sampanjca, poljubaca, zagrljaja i svega ostalog sto inace delite svakog dana :) <3 <3 <3 Uzivajte u fotkama  :)

I want to wish you a happy Valentine's Day on my own way- with Valantine's in love lol cats :) I have exactly 10 minutes to make this post because I plan to spend every minute of this special day with the man I love. I wish you the same thing and more, if it's possible, for all of you to enjoy with your loved one today in exchanging gifts, chocolates, champagne, kisses, hugs and everything else they usually share :) <3 <3 <3 Enjoy the photos :)




Lol cats Monday: Movie cats

Nastavljam sa pokusajem da vas svakog ponedeljka malo nasmejem i oraspolozim tematskim slikama blesavih macaka popularno zvanih ''lol cats''. Ne znate sta su lol cats? Trk na ovaj post za malo objasnjenje ;) 

Ove nedelje gledamo smesne macke iz razlicitih 'filmova' kao sto su Hari Poter, Matriks i Narnija. Shvaticete i sami ubrzo :)

I continue to attempt to make you laugh a little every Monday with themed pictures of silly cats popularly known as ''lol cats''. You do not know what are lol cats? Sprint to this post for a little explanation ;)

This week we look at funny cats from different 'movies'. You'll get it soon :)

 (none of these pics belong to me)

Ako ste propustili neki lol cats ponedeljak, uvek ih mozete pogledati ovde.
Zelim vam sjajnu nedelju!

If you missed a lol cats Monday on my blog, you can always check it out here.
I wish you all a great week!



Lol cats Monday: Nap attack

Prva stvar koju treba da znate o jednoj prosecnoj ''lol cat'' jeste to da obozava dremke i gleda da zaspi bilo kad i bilo gde, u naletu takozvanog "nap attack-a" :D U tome ja poprilicno licim na njih btw :D Tako da se ovog ponedeljka bavimo macama koje, za razliku od nas, imaju tu srecu da ujutru ostanu kuci i spavaju koliko im je volja :) Zelim vam sjajnu nedelju!

First thing you should know about average lol cat is that she loooves naps, anywhere, anytime :D I am quite similar to them when it comes to that btw :D So, this Monday we're glancing at cats that have that fortune to stay home at Monday and sleep, unlike most of us ;) Have a great week!

(none of these pictures belong to me)



Lol cats Monday : No theme for now (it's the first time) ;)

Obecala sam simpatican postic nevezan za modu u ponedeljak and here it is :) (osim ako nisam promasila dan, sto umem da uradim povremeno o.O ). Danas vam predstavljam tematske slike koje mnogo volim i koje mi niiikad ne dosade, umeju da me nasmeju cak i kad sam u bas velikom bedaku.

Sigurna sam da su neke od vas vec naisle na ovo negde, ali za potrebe nesto sireg auditorijuma, evo instrukcija za razumevanja x) : u pitanju su slike macaka poznate pod nazivom 'lol cats' u najrazlicitijim pozama i sa najrazlicitijim izrazima lica, na koje je dodat text na engleskom, cesto pun namernih gramatickih gresaka kojima se imitira govor tih istih macaka. Postoje sajtovi koji se bave pravljenjem i prikupljanjem takvih slicica i ja ih obozavam. Nijedna od slika koje cete sad videti ne pripada meni, ali su sve do jedne hilarious. Planiram da vas zabavljam sa njima svakog ponedeljka tematski, a posto je ovo prvi post, nema teme vec samo nekoliko meni najomiljenijih slicica. Nadam se da ce vam se dopasti koliko i meni. Uzivajte :)

I promissed a cute not connected to fashion post on Monday, and here it is :) (in case it's Monday, ofc o.O ). Today I will show you some of my favorite pics ever that I never get bored of and they make me laugh even when I'm really sad.

I'm sure some of you already saw these kind of pics somewhere, but for those who didn't, here's some instruction: these are special type of cats pictures called 'lol cats' pictures, with cats on them in different positions, and added text full with grammar mistakes made on purpose to imitate the 'speech' of those cats. There are sites who make and collect pics like this and I love to visit them. I'm planning to entertain you with this pictures every Monday from now on, with themes, but soon as this is the first post about it, there will be no theme, only some of my favorite lol cats pictures. I hope you'll like them as much as I do. Enjoy :)

(none of this pics belong to me)

