Showing posts with label europe giveaway. Show all posts

New giveaway on Venoma's fashion diary!

Zdravo opet dragi moji :) Secate se 100.000 pageview-ova na mom blogu pre koji dan? E pa, to treba proslaviti zar ne? :) Zato sam vam, kao sto sam obecala, pripremila jedan mali giveaway. Nema sponzora ovaj put, sa nekim od njih cu mozda organizovati nesto kasnije tokom meseca. ;) Ovo sad je nesto od mene licno za vas.  Posto sam primetila u ovom i ovom postu da vam se veoma, veoma dopao, nabavila sam jedan 'foto-aparat' prsten i za nekog od vas ;)

Hello again :) You remember the 100,000 pageviews on my blog few days ago? Well, it should be celebrated right? :) So I have, as I promised, prepared a little giveaway. No sponsors this time, with some of them I may arrange something later this month. :) This is now something from me personally for you. Since I noticed in this and this post that you really, really liked it, I got a 'camera' ring for you too. ;)

A kako mozete osvojiti ovaj presladak prstencic M velicine iz NewYorkera? Veoma jednostavno! Pratite sledeca pravila:

1. Like-ujte stranicu Venoma's fashion diary na Facebook mrezi. To mozete uciniti preko datog linka ili preko box-a sa desne strane, nesto ispod naslovne slike.

2. Pratite moj blog preko Google Friend Connect-a. On se nalazi takodje sa desne strane mojih postova, odmah ispod Like box-a. Da biste to uradili, ulogujte se prethodno u vas Google, Yahoo, ili neki od drugih ponudjenih naloga.

3. Ostavite komentar ispod ovog posta sa svojim imenom i kontakt e-mail adresom.

To je sve sto je potrebno da uradite da biste ucestvovali u ovom giveaway-u. :)

Ukoliko zelite dodatnu sansu da osvojite ovaj prsten, ucinite sledece:

1. Ukoliko posedujete blog i pomenete ovaj giveaway na njemu, dobijate +1 sansu za osvajanje nagrade. Samo mi u komentaru ostavite link ka vasem postu u kojem je giveaway pomenut. ;)

2. Ako share-ujte ovaj post na vasem Facebook profilu ili nekoj od stranica koje posedujete na Facebook-u, dobijate +1 sansu za osvajanje nagrade. Ako ovo uradite, molim vas da mi u komentaru ispod zajedno sa vasim imenom i adresom posaljete i link ka Screen Shot-u (slici) toga sto ste uradili (koristite za slikanje opciju Print Screen ili neki program, pa sliku upload-ujte na neki od sajtova tipa Imageshack). To nije zato sto vam ja ne verujem da ste to uradili, vec da bi svi imali ravnopravne sanse u skladu sa onim sto su uradili. :)

Pobednika biram za 7 dana koristeci, prethodno cu korigovati poredak u skladu sa dodatnim sansama za osvajanje. Giveaway se zatvara u ponoc 8. maja i otvoren je za Evropu :) SRECNO!

And how you can win this M size ring from NewYorker? Very simple! Follow these steps:

1. Like Venoma's fashion diary on Facebook. You can do it from given link or in the box on the right side, slightly below the title image.

2. Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect. That's also on the right side of my posts, just below Like box. To do this, log into your Google, Yahoo, or any other account that they offer as an option.

3. Leave a comment below this post with your name and contact email address.

That's all you need to do to participate in this giveaway. :) 

If you want an extra chance to win this ring, do the following:

If you have a blog and mention this giveaway on it, you get a +1 chance to win the ring. Just leave me in a comment a link to your post in which you mentioned this giveaway. ;)

2. If you share this post on your Facebook profile or any of the pages you own on Facebook, you get a +1 chance to win the ring. If you do this, please leave me in a comment a link to a Screen Shot (picture) of what you shared (use the Print Screen option or some program, then upload that photo on a site of your choice and send me a link to it). This is not because I do not believe you that you shared, it's only because everybody should have equal chances to win in accordance with what they really did :)

I choose winner after 7 days using Previously I will correct everything in accordance with those who shared this giveaway and got additional chance to win. Giveaway closes at midnight on the 8th May and is open for whole Europe:) GOOD LUCK!